Plotting and error anlysis illustrating R notebooks (jupyter)

Posted on Wed 30 September 2015 in blog

The goal of this exercise is to try R in jupyter and compare simple model fits. I spent way too much much time trying to get plots embedded using RStudio. For now, I just want a happy, functional black box. So luckily, I've been using ipython notebook (now jupyter) and there's now R functionaliy. Time to try it out!

Anyway... First, let's consider a logarithmic equation, $y=log(x)$ Because the y-value increases more slowly with increasing x, let's say this represents the law of diminishing returns

In [1]:
options(repr.plot.height=3.5 , repr.plot.width=3)
plot(x1,y,main='Diminishing returns',xlab='Invested resources',ylab='Return on investment',font.lab=2,cex.lab=1.2)

Okay, so the plot looks good now! P.S., set the plot size using "options."

Next, let's add varying amounts of noise around the theoretical value to make it look more like real-world data.

In [3]:
options(repr.plot.height=4 , repr.plot.width=10)
par(mfrow=c(1,3),font.lab=2,cex.lab=1.8,cex.main=2,cex.axis=1.4,mar = c(5,7,4,2))
y=log(x1) + rnorm(length(x1),sd=0.1)
y2=log(x1) + rnorm(length(x1),sd=0.3)
y3=log(x1) + rnorm(length(x1),sd=1)
plot(x1,y,main='Low noise',xlab='Invested resources',ylab='ROI')
plot(x1,y2,main='Med noise',xlab='Invested resources',ylab='ROI')
plot(x1,y3,main='High noise',xlab='Invested resources',ylab='ROI')

Great! Now let's try to fit the data two competing models, $$y=m*log(x)$$ which we know to be true, and a straight line, $$y=m*x$$

P.S., stackoverflow is really useful!

In [5]:
options(repr.plot.height=3.5 , repr.plot.width=10)
pltFits=function(yvar=y2,xvar=x1,title='Diminishing returns')
  ymax = max(y,y2,y3)
  plot(xvar,yvar,main=title,xlab='Invested resources',ylab='ROI',font.lab=2,ylim=c(0,ymax))
  legend('topleft',c('linear est','log est'),fill=c('red','blue'),bty='n',cex=1.5,pt.cex = 1)

par(mfcol=c(1,3),cex.lab=1.8,cex.main=2,cex.axis=1.4,mar = c(5,7,4,2))
pltFits(y,title='Low noise')
pltFits(y2,title='Med noise')
pltFits(y3,title='High noise')

Next we can look for systematic errors by plotting the residuals for each model fit.

In [6]:
options(repr.plot.height=3.5 , repr.plot.width=10)
pltRes=function(yvar=y2,xvar=x1,title='Diminishing returns')
  resMax = max(abs(linEst$residuals),abs(logEst$residuals))
  plot(linEst$residuals,ylim=c(-resMax,resMax),col='red',main=title,xlab='Invested resources',ylab='Residuals',font.lab=2)
  legend('topleft',c('linear est','log est'),fill=c('red','blue'),bty='n',cex=1.5,pt.cex = 1)
par(mfcol=c(1,3),cex.lab=1.8,cex.main=2,cex.axis= 1.4,mar = c(5,7,4,2))
pltRes(y,title='Low noise')
pltRes(y2,title='Med noise')
pltRes(y3,title='High noise')

In both the low- and medium noise, its clear by eye that the log model is superior, due to a random distribution around zero.

In the limit of high noise, its harder to tell by eye. So we can look at some summary stats.

In [7]:
paste0('linear R2 = ',round(linEst,3))
paste0('log R2 = ',round(logEst,3))
'linear R2 = 0.395'
'log R2 = 0.528'

Looking at the r-squared values, the log fit can explain more of the variance than the linear, even when these differences are not so clear-cut by eye.

Anyway, looks like jupyter is a more streamlined way of code display than R-studio.

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