Plotting and error anlysis illustrating R notebooks (jupyter)
Posted on Wed 30 September 2015 in blog • Tagged with R, jupyter, data science
The goal of this exercise is to try R in jupyter and compare simple model fits. I spent way too much much time trying to get plots embedded using RStudio. For now, I just want a happy, functional black box. So luckily, I've been using ipython notebook (now jupyter) and there's now R functionaliy. Time to try it out!
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Variable selection for multiple regression models
Posted on Tue 08 September 2015 in blog • Tagged with R, jupyter, regression, stats
Here, I want to look at using R to perform variable selection for a linear model. Let's consider forward and reverse selection, statistical techniques to keep only variables that maximize the variance explained. The dataset I'm using is the Boston housing price dataset from the MASS library.
Note, that there are some drawbacks/limitations to consider when using variable selection:
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